why there 400 bad request for POST method

why there 400 bad request for POST method

some one can help, if you can share your code

thanks for your message @zeevy. I was trying to hit POST request in Rest console { "email": "lilly@test.net", "name": "Lilly", "gender": "Female", "status": "Active", } getting code as 400,data : null

now working in rest console but there is error 401 Aauthentication failed for below code const data = { "name": "Lilly1", "email": "lilly1@test.net",
"gender": "Female", "status": "Active", }; return request .post('users') .set('Authorization','Bearer ${TOKEN}') .send(data).then((res) => { console.log(res.body);


Now,It is working both in rest console and node.js code.Thanks

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