Questions and Answers
how to generate fake data in a specific format using gorest
I am new to postman.
practicing chaining of api.
When I tried to run collection it shows following error.
"Error: connect ETIMEDOUT"
solve the error 401(unauthorized)
Sending the POST request in the postman tool by the help of token number but I didn't get any response as it shows that 404 not found.
I have tried with invalid request body but always getting response 401 with message authentication failed.
Hey can you post the schema for Rest in single page for users,post,commetsand todos .It would would be helpful to create schema related validations and otherrequests
I wonder, this web is limited (trial) or what?, And how munch Title + Body can fill in one user
I'm having problem with my authentication token, I set up as a Barer Token at the Collection level authorization tab, and at the moment to run my query Im getting the "message": "Authentication failed". Anyone knows why ??
How to create a bearer token key
{"error":"Invalid bearer token."}