Post Create User Always response 422 Unprocessable Content

I post this object {"name":"Luis", "gender":"male", "email":"[email protected]", "status":"active"} and allways response [ { "field": "email", "message": "can't be blank" }, { "field": "name", "message": "can't be blank" }, { "field": "gender", "message": "can't be blank, can be male of female" }, { "field": "status", "message": "can't be blank" } ]

but i have send it, please contact support go rest

cc: suport go rest

Can you please share your code, may be content header application/json is not set or your are not posting json object

This is my code obviusly replacing Bearer XXXXXXX to real token

const headers = { 'Accept':'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'aplication/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' }

export const postUsers = async (newUser: Usuario) => { return await<any>( '', newUser , {headers: headers}); }

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