Hello, I am trying to post comment via postman, already created user and post beforehand, and then I used the user id and post id to send the comment.
User ID: 7394263 Post ID: 154423 (got this after creating post with above User ID)
Post comment JSON
{ "post_id": "154423", "name": "Test User", "id": "7394263", "body": "comment body", "email": "E2yzUDYnTz@testdemo.com" }
Response returns 'post must exist' error message and 422 status code
Does anyone can help, what is missing/wrong with my post comment? Any help is much appreciated, thank you!
POST /public/v2/posts/{POST_ID}/comments please try this, also make sure to send your token in headers,
post and post user must be created by you.