my karate script is failing due to 'authentication failed' in POST method but working with GET call in same feature file. POST working well in postman

Feature: testing e2e scenario of Gorest API's Background: * url ''

Scenario: get all user details in gorest Given path '331868' And headers Authorization = tokenID #getting tokenID from config file When method GET Then status 200 * print response * def Getresponse = response * match $.name == * match $.gender == Getresponse.gender

post new user details

Given request """ { "name": "Bhuvana Teja", "email": "", "gender": "male", "status": "active" } """ And headers Authorization = 'Bearer 1c5b1bef45c28336e41debe1e910f1bb5c905af8c9d1181c92ad62566b724d68' When method POST Then status 201 * print response * def PostRes = response * match $.id ==

Sorry I don't have much knowledge of Karate script, below is the equivalent of curl post example given in the homepage

Given url ''

And header Accept = 'application/json'

And header Content-Type = 'application/json'

And header Authorization = 'Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

And request '{"name":"Tenali Ramakrishna", "gender":"male", "email":"", "status":"active"}'

When method post

Then status 200

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